Thursday, February 2, 2012

Thon 2011
            One of the reasons I was so drawn to Penn State was the total loyalty and solidarity exhibited by the students, staff, alums, even people who had essentially no connection to the school. The atmosphere that surrounds everything Penn State was (justly so) prideful and loyal. I loved the shouts of “We Are!” around campus. My roommate and I constantly acknowledge that such unity and dignity could basically be found on no other campus. In light of recent events that have happened on campus; the Sandusky scandal and JoePa’s firing and passing away, the immense care and concern was shown by the Penn State community. There were candlelight vigils to raise awareness about and work to stop child abuse. JoePa’s statue was showered with tiny remembrances and his memorial was attended by many and watched by more. And this brings me to my example of rhetoric in action this week: the amazing ability of college students to join together in the largest student-run organization to raise funds for research against pediatric cancer and to spread awareness: Thon.

Coming up within the next two weeks, campus is abuzz with preparations. Canning weekends are being planned, and everywhere you walk there are fundraisers. Additionally, every time you log on Facebook, there is another invitation for a Thon event or fundraiser. I can’t help but be wholly impressed by our school’s ability to come together for such a great cause. Last year, there were 708 continual dancers, and many, many more moralers and participants on committees or in clubs. In 2011, $9,563,016.09 was raised. Since 1977, over 78 million dollars has been raised. I can barely wrap my mind around that number. This is a prime example of a problem being recognized and an action being taken to provide help work towards a solution. The immense good done by Thon and our school makes me so proud to be a Penn Stater. So, support Thon: FTK!


  1. I came to PSU for the same reason! When you talk to your friends from other universities they stress their school spirit but nothing, especially in the past couple months, is as tight as ours. We don't just unite to go out on Friday nights like others, but we do things for the good of the community and the children. I wouldn't rather be at any other school!

  2. YEs, we can never talk about PSU without THON. I think this shows how strong a community this place is, getting together for one big purpose, for one great reason.... I actually did not know about THON till I actually arrived on campus and class started. I was actually puzzled on how THON worked, but as a dance lover, I fell in love with the idea of dancing for these lovely kids. I always brag to my friends back how about THON. Amazing. :)
